I am sure you’ve heard of second hand smoke and of course understand what first hand smoke is. Have you heard about third hand smoke? Third hand smoke is the dust and debris that settles into your carpet, clothing, furniture, your fingers and on your pets. Studies have shown that cats are particularly vulnerable to developing cancers as a result. What cancers? Lymphoma for one and of course, nasal cancers and upper respiratory cancers and more.
See these links:
From the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association): Lymphoma Risks in Cats More Than Doubles If Owners Are Smokers
From the American Journal of Epidemiology: Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Risk of Malignant Lymphoma in Pet Cats
The specific hazard for cats is greater so than for dogs because cats groom themselves AND, as importantly, most cats are indoor cats so they never quite get away from the smoke. All of it. First hand smoke. Secondhand smoke. And third hand smoke. So what does this mean?
If you are a cat lover and you smoke, it would be beneficial to your cats long-term health that you not smoke in the house. Additionally, because of the carcinogens that are on your hands as a result of handling cigarettes and getting nicotine and smoke on your hands, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your cat. Change your clothing or have ‘smoking coat’ that is used for that purpose only and kept away from and out of your cat’s reach. And, on another note, consider that young and old animals, as well as people in both age groups, are more susceptible to the problems that challenge their immune systems. It’s a really good idea to not ever start smoking around your kitten and to maintain that practice throughout your cat’s life.
I am sharing this information in written form because many of my veterinarian friends have told me of the difficulties in sharing this information with people. They see the guilt flash over the faces of longtime smokers when they learn of their cat’s diagnosis. I think it’s better that you know this and think of this now rather than to feel horribly about it later. This way you have the ability to make some changes.
This has been a Cat PSA, that is, a Cat Public Service Announcement.